Zásady ochrany osobních údajů

Zásady ochrany osobních údajů pro Petice.com

What personal data do you process about me and how do you collect it?

Information you provide yourself

  • When you sign a petition or edit your signature
    • Vaše jméno
    • City
    • Stát
    • E-mailová adresa
    • Telefonní číslo
  • When you create or edit a user account
    • Vaše jméno
    • E-mailová adresa
    • City
    • Stát
  • When you try to log in
    • E-mailová adresa
  • When you send a message to us or to the authors of the petitions
    • Vaše jméno
    • E-mailová adresa
    • Telefonní číslo
  • When you a write or edit a comment
    • Vaše jméno
    • E-mailová adresa
  • When you create a petition
    • Vaše jméno
    • E-mailová adresa
  • When you buy an advertising campaign
    • Vaše jméno
    • E-mailová adresa
    • Stát

Information we collect automatically (Only in our website)

  • IP address
  • Device information
    • Browser name and version number
    • Operating system name and version number
    • Screen resolution
    • User-Agent header (Wikipedia)
  • Petitions you view
  • Petitions you share
  • Pages you view
  • The petition ads you view and click
  • Links you click
  • Terms you search for

Information we get if you use Facebook Login

  • Facebook ID
  • Vaše jméno
  • E-mailová adresa

Information we get if you pay us using PayPal

  • Vaše jméno
  • E-mailová adresa
  • Telefonní číslo
  • Residence country

Jak mé údaje využíváte?

  • If you sign a petition and check "Show my signature publicly" then we will show your signature in the signatures page. We have asked search engines not to index the signatures page. If you uncheck "Show my signature publicly" then your signature will be visible in the signatures page just for the author of the petition and for the administrators (our employees).
  • If you have logged in using Facebook then we will show your Facebook profile picture next to your name on the signatures page.
  • After you sign a petition, we send a message to your email address to make sure that the email address is valid and belongs to you.
  • If you check "Keep me updated on this petition" when signing a petition, we will send you an email message when the author of the petition publishes an announcement. You can unsubscribe with one click.
  • To communicate with you
  • Comply with law. To comply with applicable law — for example, to satisfy tax or reporting obligations, or to comply with a lawful governmental request.
  • To target petition ads better
  • Recognize your repeat visits and preferences
  • Measure the effectiveness of ad campaigns
  • To personalize user's experience
  • To improve the website
  • To improve the customer service
  • To analyze user behaviour
  • Detecting, preventing, or otherwise addressing fraud, abuse, security, or technical issues with our services
  • During this same visit (until you close your browser), we will automatically prefill forms with your name, email address, city, and country.
  • We will store your city to a cookie named last_used_location. During your next visits, we will use the information stored in that cookie to automatically prefill forms on our website.
  • We will store your country to a cookie named last_used_country. During your next visits, we will use the information stored in that cookie to automatically prefill forms on our website.

Jak jsou mé údaje sdíleny?

  • The author of a petition will receive the information you provide in the signature form when you sign a petition.
  • We might need to share some information with a police to prevent or solve a crime. Normally we ask a police to contact Finnish Police because our company is located in Finland.

Jak zajišťujete bezpečnost mých údajů?

  • We use Security Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology to encrypt all the data before it travels over the internet.
  • We store your information on secure computers or at data centers. Only authorized personnel can access the information on these computers.
  • Our servers are located in EU and our head office is located in Finland.
  • Passwords are not saved in clear text. We calculate hash sums of the passwords and use salts.

Jaký je právní základ pro shromažďování informací o mé osobě?

Your consent in the following cases:

  • When you sign a petition or edit your signature
  • When you create or edit a user account
  • When you send a message to us or to the authors of the petitions
  • When you a write or edit a comment
  • When you create a petition
  • When you buy an advertising campaign


  • When you buy an advertising campaign

Legal obligation

  • We will process your data when we have a legal obligation to do so, for example, if we’re responding to legal process or an enforceable governmental request. As another example, legal obligations sometimes require us to retain certain information for purposes like financial record-keeping, such as information about a payment you’ve made to us for tax or accounting purposes.

Controller's legitimate interests in the following cases:

Information we get automatically when you use our site.

  • IP address
    • Stát (Derived from the IP address)
    • City (Derived from the IP address)
  • Device information
    • Browser name and version number
    • Operating system name and version number
    • Screen resolution
    • User-Agent header (Wikipedia)
  • Petitions you view
  • Petitions you share
  • Pages you view
  • The petition ads you view and click
  • Links you click on our website
  • Terms you search for

Jak dlouho budete mé osobní údaje uchovávat?


  • We will anonymize the signatures if the petition is over five years old and if the author of the petition has not logged in last two years. If the author stays active then we don't automatically remove the signatures.
  • When there is not anymore a valid reason to store personal data of the signatories then the author of the petition is obligated to remove all the copies of the signatures from his/her devices and destroy the possible written copies.


  • We don't automatically remove the petitions because the petitions can have historical value.

Messages to the authors of the petitions

  • 5 years

Purchases and payments

  • The data is kept for 6 years from the end of the financial year in which they relate.

Petitions you view

  • 90 days

Petitions you share

  • 90 days

Pages you view

  • 90 days

Terms you search for

  • 90 days

The petition ads you view and click

  • 90 days

Links you click on our website

  • 90 days

Jak mohu zobrazit, upravit a odstranit své údaje?

How do I delete my information?

  • Jak smažu svůj uživatelský účet?
  • Jak odstraním moji petici?
    1. Přihlásit se
    2. Jít na stránku petice
    3. Klikněte na odkaz Spravovat petici
    4. Klikněte na odkaz   Odstranit
    5. Vyplňte formulář.
    6. Odešlete formulář.
  • How do I remove my signature?
    1. Jděte na stránku: Spravujte svoje podpisy
    2. Zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu.
    3. Odešlete formulář.
    4. Obdržíte e-mail s odkazem pro potvrzení vaší e-mailové adresy.
    5. Klikněte na odkaz v e-mailu.
    6. Browse through your signatures to find the signature you want to remove.
    7. Click the button "Remove this signature"

How do I edit my information?

  • Jak upravím moji petici?
    1. Přihlásit se
    2. Go to the petition page
    3. Klikněte na odkaz Spravovat petici
    4. Klikněte na odkaz   Změnit
    5. Proveďte změny.
    6. Klikněte na tlačítko "Uložit změny ".
  • Jak upravím svůj podpis?
    1. Jděte na stránku: Spravujte svoje podpisy
    2. Zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu.
    3. Odešlete formulář.
    4. Obdržíte e-mail s odkazem pro potvrzení vaší e-mailové adresy.
    5. Klikněte na odkaz v e-mailu.
    6. Browse through your signatures to find the signature you want to edit.
    7. Klikněte na tlačítko "Změnit".

How do I view my signatures?

  1. Jděte na stránku: Spravujte svoje podpisy
  2. Zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu.
  3. Odešlete formulář.
  4. Obdržíte e-mail s odkazem pro potvrzení vaší e-mailové adresy.
  5. Klikněte na odkaz v e-mailu.


We use Facebook to Share buttons and Facebook Login feature but Facebook will only receive information of you if you click those buttons.


  • We use Google Adsense to show advertisement to our visitors. But this requires consent from you.
  • Email services


  • Sending emails

Payment processors

If you buy an advertising campaign from us then we will redirect you to a payment processor.


What are cookies?

Cookies are files created by websites you visit. They make your online experience easier by saving browsing information. With cookies, sites can keep you signed in, remember your site preferences, and give you locally relevant content.

There are two types of cookies:

  • First-party cookies are created by the site you visit. The site is shown in the address bar.
  • Third-party cookies are created by other sites. These sites own some of the content, like ads or images, that you see on the webpage you visit.

Podepisování a vytváření petic na našem webu je zdarma. Naše stránky jsou financované pomocí reklamy, která se zobrazuje našim návštěvníkům. Naši partneři budou shromažďovat údaje a používat soubory cookie k personalizaci a měření reklam.

Learn how our advertising partners collect and use data

Can our partners use your data to tailor ads for you?

Naši partneři budou shromažďovat údaje a používat soubory cookie k personalizaci a měření reklam.

Cookies stored on your computer by our partners

If you have earlier allowed our advertising partners to use your data to tailor ads for you then there might be cookies form these partners on your computer. We can't access these cookies. You can check them from the settings of your browser.

Company info

Petitions24 Oy
PL 697
00101 Helsinki